Why a STEM Education Is Important in 2022 and Beyond

by | Oct 6, 2022

Have you ever wondered what a STEM education is all about and why it has gained so much attention in recent years?


In simple terms, STEM is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. A STEM education includes a curriculum that focuses on blending these subjects together in a multi-disciplinary approach to fully prepare students for the ‘real world’ after their years in school.


But why is a STEM education so important in 2022 and in the years to come? Will getting such an education now help today’s students have a brighter future? Let’s take a closer look.


4 Reasons to Pursue a STEM Education

1. STEM occupations are predicted to continue to grow.

One of the key objectives of today’s high schools is to adequately equip students with the tools and knowledge required to obtain meaningful and profitable employment upon graduation. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, STEM related occupations are predicted to grow at a much higher rate than non-STEM occupations between now and 2031. It should also be noted that the average pay for STEM occupations is at least two times greater than that of non-STEM employment opportunities.


Based on this data, it’s easy to see that a STEM education can set students up for future success. By completing a STEM curriculum now, they may have an easier time finding employment after graduation and will likely be compensated more than non-STEM employees.


2. A STEM education teaches important thinking and problem solving skills.

Due to their technical nature, courses involved in a STEM curriculum typically require students to learn critical thinking and problem solving skills. Mastery of these unique skills will be beneficial for students choosing to pursue STEM related occupations following graduation. However, these skills can also be useful for solving problems and creating innovative solutions in all walks of life and all types of employment. A STEM education, then, can play an essential role in a student’s preparation for life after school, regardless of the career path they choose.


3. STEM classes often foster teamwork.

In addition to critical thinking and problem solving skills, interpersonal collaboration and teamwork are essential parts of the modern work environment. STEM courses can prepare students for this real-life reality through group activities and projects that require active communication and shared decision making.


4. Students learn project management skills.

The science, technology, and engineering portions of a STEM education often require students to complete multi-step projects that may span weeks or months. This teaches students the importance of teamwork, advance thinking, and project management skills to complete the job correctly, efficiently, and on time. Mastery of these skills can significantly improve a student’s preparation for future endeavors, whether they be in a STEM related field or elsewhere.


From a STEM Education to a STEAM Education

At Rising Aviation High School, we understand the importance of a STEM education for today’s students and tomorrow’s economy. But we also take this idea one step further. We’ve created an innovative educational program that builds upon the foundation of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math found in the traditional STEM education model but we add something to it … Aviation.


With a STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Aviation, Math) education, students get all the benefits of a STEM curriculum combined with aviation related studies. Our program includes hands-on aviation training, aviation electives, and overall preparation of students for future aviation careers. While still in high school, students have the opportunity to obtain their Private or Remote Pilot’s License under the careful guidance and tutelage of our experienced aviation instructors. Upon graduation, our high school students are awarded an accredited high school diploma with a STEM endorsement.


Located in Addison, TX, Rising Aviation High School is ready to prepare YOUR student for a future in aviation. Contact us today to learn more about our aviation programs for high school students in the DFW metroplex area!

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