What Parents Need to Know Before Their Kids Start Flying

by | May 17, 2022

It’s not uncommon for kids to have dreams of flying from a young age, especially if they grow up in a family that’s big on aviation. For example, Nico Lopez, the first graduate of our private aviation high school in Addison, TX, remembers learning about aviation since he was four years old because many of his family members are also pilots. Before your kids start flying and become determined to pursue a career as a pilot, there are several things to think about.


4 Key Factors to Consider Before Your Kids Start Flying


#1: How is your child’s health?

Just like there are some medical conditions that prevent individuals from driving a car, there are health concerns that may interfere with your kids’ flying dreams. For example, severe eyesight issues or heart problems preclude some people from becoming commercial pilots.

Even if your teen does have a medical concern, however, that doesn’t mean they can’t have an aviation-related career. Other careers in the aviation industry, such as the ones listed below, may still be a possibility:

  • Aircraft Maintenance Engineer
  • Airline and Airport Operations
  • Avionics Technician
  • Safety Inspector
  • …And so many more!


#2: Is your child’s interest in flying a real passion or a passing fad?

Watching popular aviator movies like Top Gun can often inspire kids to have an interest in flying. They can also portray the glamor and adventure aspects of flying, however, leading kids to have an unrealistic view of what life as a pilot is truly like. For example, becoming a commercial pilot means taking responsibility for hundreds of lives every time you fly. And, it can often mean nights spent away from home and family.

How can you tell if your kids’ idea of flying is a true passion or just a passing fad? Expose them to as many real-life experiences as possible. Have them take a discovery flight in a small airplane, participate in an aviation camp, or talk to commercial or private pilots. The more they learn, the better you’ll both know if an aviation career is right for them!


#3: Starting young is the best place to start.

If your child’s aviation dreams are actually more than that, and are a true passion, it’s best if your kids start flying at a young age. That’s because much of the aviation industry is based on seniority. So, the earlier you can get them started, the better equipped they will be to get an aviation-related job at a young age.

Since each aviation-related industry has their own standards and their own aircraft, commercial airlines, the Air Force, and other companies put a significant amount of time and money into training their pilots. They’ll get a much better return on their investment when they can hire, train, and keep a young pilot for many years versus doing the same with an older one.


#4: If your kids are interested in flying, enroll them in an aviation high school.

While further education after high school is often required for aviation careers, that doesn’t mean your teen has to wait until then to start in-depth learning about aviation. Instead, there are aviation high schools where students can get a STEM education with aviation-related classes and instruction included.


Rising Aviation High School – Where Kids Start Flying as Teens!

With its campus located at the Addison Airport (KADS) in Addison, TX, and a new location coming soon to the Dallas Executive Airport (KRBD), Rising Aviation High School gives students in the Dallas metroplex region a solid aviation education at a young age. Students take part in a self-paced educational program while also having a variety of hands-on aviation experiences.

From our Fixed Wing or Remote Pilot’s License programs to Aircraft Charter Operation and Management and more, our students have every opportunity to pursue their aviation dreams in a supportive environment while completing their high school education. Students graduate with an accredited high school diploma with a STEM endorsement and are fully prepared to move on to additional career, education, or military training opportunities.

Contact us today to enroll or to learn more about our private aviation high school experience and programs!

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