Rising Aviation High School Announces First Graduate

by | May 10, 2022

As the only aviation and aerospace focused private high school in North Texas, Rising Aviation High School has already experienced some ‘firsts’. Recently, however, another ‘first’ got added to the list – the first aviation program graduate!

With the graduation of Nico Lopez, this school year’s only senior at Rising Aviation, there’s much to celebrate and his story can inspire the next generation of aspiring teen pilots to pursue their aviation dreams. But first, let’s take a look at exactly how this private high school in Addison, TX helps give kids a leg up in the aviation industry.


Where Is Rising Aviation High School?

This cutting-edge private high school is conveniently located at the Addison Airport (KADS) in Addison, TX with a second location coming soon to the Dallas Executive Airport (KRBD). Being surrounded by real-life applications of what they’re learning about makes the educational flight center here the perfect place for students to become fully immersed in aviation programs and careers. In fact, going to school at an airport and constantly being exposed to everything aviation related is what Nico Lopez liked best about his experience at Rising Aviation.


How Do Students Learn at Rising Aviation High School?

The classrooms at Rising Aviation are a little different than what you might see in the typical public school setting. Small class sizes, hands-on experience, flight simulator training, and both one-on-one and web-based teaching make this a unique educational experience. Add that to the ability to learn how to fly a small plane and even get a teen pilot’s license and you have the top reasons why students can pursue their aviation dreams right here.

Individualized and small group instruction makes it easy for students to progress through the program at a pace that’s exactly right for them, something you won’t always find in the public school system. And, whether they’re interested in aviation or not, they’ll get a solid STEM-focused education that will help them to go on to a successful career in any industry.


Introducing Nico Lopez, Rising Aviation High School’s First Graduate

Now, let’s get back to Nico’s inspiring story. Born into a family of aviators, it’s no surprise that Nico has had a love for flying his entire life. His grandfather worked as a civilian pilot in Puerto Rico while his dad was an Air Force pilot and his brother is a flight instructor.

When the traditional educational model in the public school system wasn’t working for him, Nico found himself attracted to the aviation-inspired academic program that Rising Aviation High School has to offer. And, even though he’s been learning about aviation since he was 4 years old, he was incredibly surprised at how much he was able to learn in addition to what he already knew simply by following the program and hands-on training at Rising Aviation.

At first, Nico was a little skeptical and concerned about being the only senior for the 2021-2022 school year, surrounded by lower-classmen who he thought might be immature. He was pleasantly surprised to find that they were actually very mature and just as interested in aviation as he was, making it easy to become friends very quickly.

A fan of tight turns, steep turns, and exciting maneuvers, Nico takes pride in being able to fly. After all, piloting a plane is not something that everyone can do or even wants to do, yet it’s his lifelong passion. From his initial Discovery Flight with an instructor to other flights later, he continues to “get the best feeling” when flying and being in control of an airplane.


Aviation Careers After Rising Aviation High School

Students at Rising Aviation graduate with an accredited high school diploma with STEM Endorsement and are uniquely equipped to pursue a number of careers, including those in aviation. For Nico, steps after graduation include enlisting in the Air Force, becoming a crew chief, going to college while in the military, and then perhaps becoming a fighter pilot for the National Guard after his college days are done.

Do you have a student whose goals and aspirations sound like Nico’s? If so, Rising Aviation High School could be the best private high school for them to pursue their dreams. Enrollment for the 2022-2023 school year is open now – simply contact us today with any questions you have or to submit your application!

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