How to Pay For Private Schools

by | May 4, 2022

The desire to send your teen to a private school is not an uncommon thought for many parents these days. After all, a private school education often offers more benefits than a public school and parents simply want the best for their children. But, how do you pay for private schools?

That is the question many parents ask but they often fail to seek the appropriate answers. Instead, they assume that if they earn too little, they won’t be able to afford to pay for private school. Or, if they earn too much, they assume there won’t be any other options to help them pay for private school. Regardless of which thought has crossed your mind as a parent, let’s take a look at how to pay for private schools so your teen can get the education he or she deserves.


5 Ways to Pay For Private Schools

  1. Pay with cash or a check – Obviously, this option applies most to those families with sufficient income to be able to pay for private schools out of pocket. If this describes your situation, find out the tuition schedule for your teen’s desired school. You may even be able to ask for a cash or pre-payment discount. Not every school offers this option but it doesn’t hurt to ask.
  2. Pay monthly – Sometimes, families aren’t able to pay tuition as a lump sum but when payments are split up into smaller chunks, cash flow is no problem. Find out if your private school offers monthly payments as an option.
  3. Look for scholarships – Whenever you can find free money to pay for private schools, utilize it! This can include everything from academic scholarships to program-specific funding such as aviation scholarships.
  4. Apply for a loan – Obviously, finding ways to pay for private schools that don’t have to be paid back is ideal. If you’ve exhausted all of those options, however, you may consider applying for an educational loan. These loans are often offered at relatively low interest rates – just do your homework to find the right one and look for one that won’t penalize you if you choose to pay it off early.
  5. Get creative! – If you’ve determined that a private school education is the best route for your teen, don’t let money stand in the way of making that happen! Use any combination of the methods above to pay for private school and think outside the box. Older teens may be able to work a summer job to help pay for their education. You may consider taking on another part time job yourself. Or, your teen can ask for monetary gifts for birthdays and other special occasions that can be put toward tuition – the options are endless!


Affordable Private Schools in Addison and Dallas, TX

At Rising Aviation High School, we handle private school tuition a little differently than some other schools. Our classes are self-paced, meaning that students can progress according to their own interests, learning style, and speed. Of course, some students progress more rapidly than others, making each student’s educational path slightly different.

Rather than paying tuition on a yearly basis, students at Rising Aviation High School pay monthly. In addition, our school is open 11 months out of the year, providing a great opportunity to accelerate a learning program or to take additional time, whichever is needed for your teen.

Currently located in Addison, TX, with a new location coming soon to Dallas, Rising Aviation High School is your teen’s best option for aviation-related private schools in the Dallas metroplex area.

Contact us today to learn more about our academic programs, pilot programs for teens, and our tuition schedule and scholarship opportunities for students. It’s not too late to make your teen’s aviation dreams become a reality!

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